Alternative Hair Alchemist - A podcast about everything wigs, toppers and alternative hair!
Welcome to the Alternative Hair Alchemist Podcast! It’s a scary place to be in when you are losing your hair. There’s a lot of unnecessary shame and loneliness that can go along with it. Not to mention the overwhelm when you are trying to figure out what kind of replacement hair works for you. Between having had chemo twice and alopecia areata on top of that, I know all too well that sinking feeling when you see more scalp than hair when you look in the mirror. I also know that it is overwhelming when you don’t know who to ask for help, what to do, or where to start – and I want to say, helping you do just that is my gift. Hi, I am Debra Heim. I’m a certified alternative hair expert, wig wearer and the co creator of a one of a kind wig and topper boutique, The Very Best Little Hair House. And I created this podcast to educate, inspire and empower you! Out of my own hair loss journey was born a desire to make wearing alternative hair feel normal and an exciting place of possibilities. I use my superpower intuition to help women in my shop in a one on one, private and comfy environment with fifteen of the worlds’ best brands of alternative hair find their beauty again. And I take wearing what you may know as wigs to a whole new level and my goal is to bring your beauty back to full on radiance. Because you don’t want hair that looks good on someone else! You want to find the hair that maximizes your own unique beauty and I want to help you do that! I have helped over five hundred women of all different looks, shapes and sizes look better than they’ve ever imagined. My shop is where the magic happens and confidence is restored! Our clients leave looking fabulous and knowing not only what works for them but also how to care for it with ease. Because let’s face it - if finding the hair that lights you up was as easy as choosing from a picture, I wouldn’t need to have my shop. Think of me as that “tell it like it is” friend that also happens to be an expert in alternative hair. The shame starts to end when you learn how to make yourself feel beautiful again and I am going to help you do that. At the end of the day, natural hair or not, wig or not, I want you to know that we are all worthy of love and belonging. So take a deep breath, feel the love I’m sending your way–it’s time to find and love yourself again. Let’s do this! Let’s Connect! Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone for alternative hair wearers! Instagram:@verybestlittlehairhouse Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House Email me:

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
This past week, someone brought to my attention a website that had "Debra" as part of the name and asked if it was a new line for me. The site had pictures that were stolen from famous influencers and reputable websites. By stealing pictures and using similar look alike names and fake reviews, that is just a few of the tactics that these scam artists trick unsuspecting buyers into thinking they are the real deal! This week I talk about some of the things to look for. But always, always, make sure you know who you are buying from! That's the best way to avoid getting ripped off. Next best line of defense, ask before buying from a trusted wig group.
Get my 14 page e-book "10 Steps to Making Your Style Memorable" for FREE download by signing up at

Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Being true to yourself is what authenticity is about! It doesn't mean your physical appearance, it doesn't mean you can only have hair that you grew yourself.....let's talk about what authenticity means and why you aren't being 'fake' if you embrace alternative hair!Peace, love, and alternative hair!!Debra
The ORIGINAL alternative hair alchemist ✌💘💇♀️

Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
This week we wrap up the last five of the top twenty searched questions by wearers of wigs and toppers.
How to I properly clean and care for my wig?
What is the difference between a lace front and a full lace wig?
How long does a wig typically last with regular use?
Can a wear a wig while swimming or exercising?
Are there any specific tips for wearing a wig in hot weather?
How do I secure my wig for a more natural and comfortable fit?
Answers to these and many more questions are answered throughout all the episodes of this podcast. I was very pleased when I reviewed all of the previous episodes because most every question was covered in depth much more than just today's episode.
Any if you have any burning wig questions, just drop me a line through the contact forms on the website or find me on social media.
Much peace, love and alternative hair to you!Debra xx

Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Here is the continuation of last week's episode covering the most commonly asked questions to Google (and myself) concerning alternative hair. I cover the next five and next week we will wrap it up.
The thing to remember is for every question, there is an answer and for every problem there is a solution! Looking back over the show's episodes I have done an episode for all of the questions and more. You can find them by checking out the episode guide.
Check the Very Best Little Hairhouse page for an episode guide to the episodes I mentioned, plus a chart for measuring and other helpful info.
If I can help you with alternative hair, style, or mindset, you can find me at and
And, stay tuned for exciting news of in person events coming up that I will be doing starting soon!
Peace, Love, and Alternative Hair!Debra

Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
This week in the first of a two part series, I will answer the questions most frequently searched on the internet about wigs. The difference between me and the internet is I am going to give you answers based not only on my experience but also from the view of someone that has helped 1800 clients in person and counting! Also, find out about how you can work with me on a deeper level!
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair!Debra Heim

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Alternative hair is a great way to look salon fresh in minutes, or to change your look completely for a photo shoot or mood. Slept in and have to do a Zoom in ten minutes? No problem, hair can be ready to go!
Wigs and hairpieces have been used by celebs for years! The difference is they have someone who knows alternative hair to do it for them. Listen for your chance to get a virtual makeover via style and color recommendations for a special listener price no matter where you live!
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair,
Debra Heim

Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
If you are worried that someone "will know" you are wearing a wig or hairpiece, fear not! If you do it right, nobody has to know unless you tell them. But here's a recap of the reactions you may get if you decide to tell someone that your hair is yours, but you didn't grow it!

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
The time to replace your alternative hair is mainly up to you! My best advice is don't wait until the last minute! But here are the key things that I see that show wear in your alternative hair, and most importantly, don't feel guilty about self care! Plus, a big surprise....a new shop opening in the USA!

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Hand tied wigs take on the average, 40 hours to produce each, where wefted wigs take about 8 hours each according to one of the major manufacturers my shop carries. But allow yourself to try a good one if you have the chance, here are the five advantages you will find.
Thank you for listening and as always,
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair!
Debra Heim

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Sometimes you can get a really great deal on buying a wig or topper that simply didn't work for someone else. It's a great way to snag a bargain, if you know what to look for and most of all, trust the seller!