Alternative Hair Alchemist - A podcast about everything wigs, toppers and alternative hair!
Welcome to the Alternative Hair Alchemist Podcast! It’s a scary place to be in when you are losing your hair. There’s a lot of unnecessary shame and loneliness that can go along with it. Not to mention the overwhelm when you are trying to figure out what kind of replacement hair works for you. Between having had chemo twice and alopecia areata on top of that, I know all too well that sinking feeling when you see more scalp than hair when you look in the mirror. I also know that it is overwhelming when you don’t know who to ask for help, what to do, or where to start – and I want to say, helping you do just that is my gift. Hi, I am Debra Heim. I’m a certified alternative hair expert, wig wearer and the co creator of a one of a kind wig and topper boutique, The Very Best Little Hair House. And I created this podcast to educate, inspire and empower you! Out of my own hair loss journey was born a desire to make wearing alternative hair feel normal and an exciting place of possibilities. I use my superpower intuition to help women in my shop in a one on one, private and comfy environment with fifteen of the worlds’ best brands of alternative hair find their beauty again. And I take wearing what you may know as wigs to a whole new level and my goal is to bring your beauty back to full on radiance. Because you don’t want hair that looks good on someone else! You want to find the hair that maximizes your own unique beauty and I want to help you do that! I have helped over five hundred women of all different looks, shapes and sizes look better than they’ve ever imagined. My shop is where the magic happens and confidence is restored! Our clients leave looking fabulous and knowing not only what works for them but also how to care for it with ease. Because let’s face it - if finding the hair that lights you up was as easy as choosing from a picture, I wouldn’t need to have my shop. Think of me as that “tell it like it is” friend that also happens to be an expert in alternative hair. The shame starts to end when you learn how to make yourself feel beautiful again and I am going to help you do that. At the end of the day, natural hair or not, wig or not, I want you to know that we are all worthy of love and belonging. So take a deep breath, feel the love I’m sending your way–it’s time to find and love yourself again. Let’s do this! Let’s Connect! Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone for alternative hair wearers! Instagram:@verybestlittlehairhouse Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House Email me:

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Alternative hair scams are out there in full force! Here are some of the tactics scammers use to fool and manipulate you.

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
This week I will break down the differences in cap designs and what that means for you. Also there will be a short video to go along with this episode posted on YouTube and also in the Wise Wig Advice and Support Group that can be found on Very Best Little Hairhouse's Facebook page to show you the differences along with the explanation.
Peace, Love, and Alternative Hair!Debra

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
This week I will give you the guidelines on how to determine if you are cool, warm, or neutral as far as skin tones and what hair colors are flattering to them. Here's the thing, though: rules were made to be broken as far as I am concerned and I say the real test is to try it in person to tell for sure! I'm a very visual person as far as that goes in guessing what colors look good, And I can tell you this for sure, more colors are going to work for you than you might think!

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
One of the biggest concerns alternative hair wearers can have is that someone will "know" they have a wig or topper on and will ask the dreaded "Is that a wig?" Here's the different types of responses I've experienced when I choose to reveal that "Yes, it is indeed a wig!". The good news is that if you do alternative hair right, you won't ever be asked....but here's what to expect if you do choose to do a "reveal".

Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
If you are afraid of looking 'fake' in a synthetic, let me tell you that those days are over! Here's my top reasons why synthetic is the way to go for the most part, especially if you are in the experimentation phase of alternative hair styles and colors.

Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Whether you have a round, square, heart shape, diamond or classic shaped face, there is a style that is recommended for you, and I am going to run through them. Spoiler alert: a longer side swept bang is flattering to all faces (according to the hair style experts). But rules are made to be broken and I have seen all kinds of different styles work on different faces in my shop.....and with alternative hair the only limits are the ones you set on yourself!
Speaking of style, I will be having a free masterclass in my "Activate Your Pizzazz" series which will be on my personal profile on my Facebook page. You can sign up for exclusive content at and/or add me on Facebook.
And as always....peace, love and alternative hair!

Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Even to this day, I find there are women who are terrified at the thought of someone finding out or knowing they are wearing a wig or topper. Why is that? Because most people have pretty significant memories of a bad wig or toupee. There's no need for that anymore, the alternative hair out there now is amazing! Here's some of my thoughts and observations. And as always, when you become aware that you have a fear holding you back, the first step to changing it is to become aware of it!
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair!

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Changing your color or style is always an adjustment and there is a phase where it might seem like a huge mistake.......but it's not! It's just part of the process. Here's my process to adapt to new colors and styles.

Thursday Apr 27, 2023

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
It's warming up in my part of the US and I often get asked if I have or know of any wigs or hairpieces that are "good for summer", meaning less 'hot' than others. You can look at these three things when choosing your hair to help you decide if it might be cooler than another. I'm sure there are wigs being sold as "summer" or "hot weather" wigs but here's the three biggest factors to considerer if one wig or topper might be heavier than another.