Alternative Hair Alchemist - A podcast about everything wigs, toppers and alternative hair!
Welcome to the Alternative Hair Alchemist Podcast! It’s a scary place to be in when you are losing your hair. There’s a lot of unnecessary shame and loneliness that can go along with it. Not to mention the overwhelm when you are trying to figure out what kind of replacement hair works for you. Between having had chemo twice and alopecia areata on top of that, I know all too well that sinking feeling when you see more scalp than hair when you look in the mirror. I also know that it is overwhelming when you don’t know who to ask for help, what to do, or where to start – and I want to say, helping you do just that is my gift. Hi, I am Debra Heim. I’m a certified alternative hair expert, wig wearer and the co creator of a one of a kind wig and topper boutique, The Very Best Little Hair House. And I created this podcast to educate, inspire and empower you! Out of my own hair loss journey was born a desire to make wearing alternative hair feel normal and an exciting place of possibilities. I use my superpower intuition to help women in my shop in a one on one, private and comfy environment with fifteen of the worlds’ best brands of alternative hair find their beauty again. And I take wearing what you may know as wigs to a whole new level and my goal is to bring your beauty back to full on radiance. Because you don’t want hair that looks good on someone else! You want to find the hair that maximizes your own unique beauty and I want to help you do that! I have helped over five hundred women of all different looks, shapes and sizes look better than they’ve ever imagined. My shop is where the magic happens and confidence is restored! Our clients leave looking fabulous and knowing not only what works for them but also how to care for it with ease. Because let’s face it - if finding the hair that lights you up was as easy as choosing from a picture, I wouldn’t need to have my shop. Think of me as that “tell it like it is” friend that also happens to be an expert in alternative hair. The shame starts to end when you learn how to make yourself feel beautiful again and I am going to help you do that. At the end of the day, natural hair or not, wig or not, I want you to know that we are all worthy of love and belonging. So take a deep breath, feel the love I’m sending your way–it’s time to find and love yourself again. Let’s do this! Let’s Connect! Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone for alternative hair wearers! Instagram:@verybestlittlehairhouse Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House Email me:

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Did you know that your health insurance may cover your cranial prosthesis?
Or, maybe you’ve heard it’s possible, but you’re not sure how to get your medical wig covered by an insurance provider?
Hair is as essential as any other part of your body - and it’s time to start pushing insurance companies to cover medical wigs for everyone that needs one!
Welcome to episode 27 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I'm sharing what you need to know about cranial prosthesis wigs coverage, how to know if you’re eligible for reimbursement, and what to do if your application is denied.
I'm covering everything from getting a cranial hair prosthesis covered by your insurance, to recommendations for medical wig providers.
Remember, it’s not selfish to want to look and feel your best, you deserve it!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Are you just beginning your wig wearing journey, and not sure how to find a reputable wig dealer?
Or, are you eyeing the perfect human hair wig online, and the price is WAY cheaper than the wig shop you visited?
But, have you ever wondered, “Is it legitimate?”
Will it look the same as the one from the authorized wig store?
There are loads of "bargain" online wig shops offering prices that are too good to be true, and chances are- it’s because they are!
Welcome to episode 25 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode I'm sharing the 4 most glaring red flags I see in the online wig shopping world.
I'm covering everything from how to spot fake wig reviews to the awful business practices that are trying to scam you out of your money.
If you're going to invest in yourself (and I always recommend that you do) make sure you are getting your money's worth!
You deserve it!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
When it comes to wearing a wig, you all have lots of questions!
And, I’m here for all of them!
The two that keep popping up in my inbox most recently are:
Do wigs cause hair loss?
And, how to secure a wig so that it won’t come off?
Welcome to episode 25 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m answering the 2 questions that are most important to you, right now!
I’m covering everything on these topics from how to avoid traction alopecia, to the top 5 methods you can use to help keep your wig on!
There is a lot of information out there! And, I’m always here to share everything I know to make this process run smoothly for you!
Oftentimes it takes a little trial and error - just so you don't beat yourself up when it happens!
There’s a perfect wig out there for you, I promise!
And, keep the questions coming, I’m here for you!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
There’s a lot of debate over synthetic hair vs human hair, and which is better.
If you're new to alternative hair, I bet you have lots of questions, like:
Are synthetic wigs worth it?
Are synthetic wigs good?
Are synthetic wigs heat-resistant?
When I mention synthetic wigs, some folks have a negative image that comes to mind straight away. But, on today’s episode, I’m encouraging you to keep an open mind, because there are many synthetic wigs that look real, and feel comfortable!
Welcome to episode 24 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m talking all about heat-resistant synthetic wigs, the disadvantages of human hair wigs, and why you should consider one!
Also, I give you tips on how to care for a synthetic wig, and how to take the frizz out of synthetic wigs!
Today’s episode will open your eyes and dispel any misconceptions about synthetic wigs you’ve heard in the past.
Don’t forget it’s more than just hair, this is a movement!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Are your friends and family supportive of your journey into alternative hair?
Do their opinions stop you from wearing a wig?
One of the things that can help you along on your alternative hair journey is supportive friends and family. But, unfortunately, that's not always the case.
Welcome to episode 23 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m giving you the top 3 reasons why significant others and friends may not be your biggest cheerleaders while wig shopping.
I see this at my wig shop, Very Best Little Hair House all the time!
If you’re out there and the people in your life aren't being totally supportive, I want to convey to you that that isn't okay!
Hair is more than just hair. It is YOU, your personality, and a matter of dignity!
As always, I’m here with all the wig tips you’ll ever need to guide you through this process, but more importantly to remind you of how beautiful and loved you are!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:

Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Are you REALLY ready for alternative hair?
Have you tried on endless amounts of high-quality wigs, but can’t seem to find one you like?
Or, is hair loss stress keeping you from fully committing to wearing a wig?
Starting your journey into wig-wearing takes a certain degree of readiness in order to educate yourself, and then actually wear it and be successful. That’s why it's so important to find a wig consultant or expert to help you along, but only when you’re all in!
Welcome to episode 22 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist podcast! In this episode, I’m addressing the 3 main reasons you can spot to identify if you’re ready to take the plunge into alternative hair.
Also, as always- I’m cheering you on with my know-how and encouraging you to drop the fear and rock that alternative hair!
Stop second-guessing yourself, and know that you look fabulous, and buying a wig is just icing on the cake!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
How do you know if a wig fits you properly?
What measurements should be taken at a professional wig fitting?
And, once you find the right wig- how do you secure a wig so you know it will stay on your head and not shift or fall off?
When you start wearing a wig you may feel like you have more questions than answers. But, I promise that with time, you will know exactly what fits well and looks great!
Welcome to episode 21 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m talking about the basics of wig fit, and how a wig should feel when it fits correctly.
Also, I’m sharing a couple of tips on how to keep your wig on securely.
Remember, no matter what the price point of your wig, fit can make ALL the difference!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
So, you found the wig of your dreams online, and the picture on the site is E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. you’ve been looking for.
You can’t enter your credit card number fast enough!
Then, on delivery day, you try it on…and it looks nothing like the picture!
Listen, no one is immune to buying a wig that doesn’t meet your expectations. I’ve absolutely had disappointing wig try-on sessions. But, there are definitely some wig tips and tricks you can use to avoid it as much as possible.
Welcome to episode 20 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist podcast! In this episode, I’m sharing EXACTLY what to look for when you’re buying a wig based on a picture.
I delve into everything from considering how your wig will fit your lifestyle, to color, wig fit, and style.
My goal is to help you along your alternative hair journey, no matter where you are!
Hair is not a luxury, this is important, and you’re worth it!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
There is no better way to look effortless than wearing a wig.
But, you don’t want to buy a wig that will make your photos look cringe-worthy or worse not fit well!
Slaying the best synthetic wigs means finding the best option for you– comfortable, well-fitting, and with personal expression. And there are proven and tested synthetic wig brands you can rely on.
Trust me when I say that in the world of wigs, there’s destined to fit you!
Welcome to episode 19 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! I will share with you the elements of good quality wigs so you’ll enjoy wearing a wig everyday.
I’ll take you to some wig options you can try with the best synthetic wig brands I love:
Rene of Paris
Envy Wigs
Belle Tress
I’m also sharing wig tips for heat-resistant synthetic wig care.
Deep dive to this episode and find out how a well-fitting wig can elevate your confidence!
Change is in the air, and so is hair, wigaholic!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
This episode was professionally managed by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
If you think that human hair wigs are the only way to go, let me just tell you that premium synthetic wigs are here to blow you away!
Surprising, I know! Especially when you’ve heard all the disadvantages of synthetic hair wigs- they’re hot, overly shiny, and easy to be spotted.
But here’s the thing: When you find a reputable wig shop (like mine!) that only sells the best wigs, you’ll see just how many synthetic wigs for women options available to you!
So take it from someone who wears a different wig everyday and don’t run away from synthetic hair just yet!
Welcome to episode 18 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! I am starting a series all about the different types of wigs available to you.
And we’re starting off with synthetic hair wigs!
I’m also sharing wig tips on synthetic wig care, the best wig brands.
You’ll find out more about my favorite synthetic wig brands:
Belle Madame
Ellen Wille USA
Jon Renau
Tony of Beverly
Estetica Designs
Henry Margu
I can’t wait for you to dig into this episode all about synthetic wigs for women!
Remember: Life is short, have fun with good quality wigs!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati