Alternative Hair Alchemist - A podcast about everything wigs, toppers and alternative hair!
Welcome to the Alternative Hair Alchemist Podcast! It’s a scary place to be in when you are losing your hair. There’s a lot of unnecessary shame and loneliness that can go along with it. Not to mention the overwhelm when you are trying to figure out what kind of replacement hair works for you. Between having had chemo twice and alopecia areata on top of that, I know all too well that sinking feeling when you see more scalp than hair when you look in the mirror. I also know that it is overwhelming when you don’t know who to ask for help, what to do, or where to start – and I want to say, helping you do just that is my gift. Hi, I am Debra Heim. I’m a certified alternative hair expert, wig wearer and the co creator of a one of a kind wig and topper boutique, The Very Best Little Hair House. And I created this podcast to educate, inspire and empower you! Out of my own hair loss journey was born a desire to make wearing alternative hair feel normal and an exciting place of possibilities. I use my superpower intuition to help women in my shop in a one on one, private and comfy environment with fifteen of the worlds’ best brands of alternative hair find their beauty again. And I take wearing what you may know as wigs to a whole new level and my goal is to bring your beauty back to full on radiance. Because you don’t want hair that looks good on someone else! You want to find the hair that maximizes your own unique beauty and I want to help you do that! I have helped over five hundred women of all different looks, shapes and sizes look better than they’ve ever imagined. My shop is where the magic happens and confidence is restored! Our clients leave looking fabulous and knowing not only what works for them but also how to care for it with ease. Because let’s face it - if finding the hair that lights you up was as easy as choosing from a picture, I wouldn’t need to have my shop. Think of me as that “tell it like it is” friend that also happens to be an expert in alternative hair. The shame starts to end when you learn how to make yourself feel beautiful again and I am going to help you do that. At the end of the day, natural hair or not, wig or not, I want you to know that we are all worthy of love and belonging. So take a deep breath, feel the love I’m sending your way–it’s time to find and love yourself again. Let’s do this! Let’s Connect! Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone for alternative hair wearers! Instagram:@verybestlittlehairhouse Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House Email me:

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Depending on where you are on your alternative hair journey, you may find surprising things about wigs.
Some things, you can only experience after buying a wig and wearing it (Ahem, disappointed that the “perfect wig” of your dreams you’ve been eyeing looks nothing like the photo, anyone?)
Others, you can prepare for before you go on a wig shopping spree!
Welcome to episode 17 of the Alternative Hair Podcast! Today I’m dishing out 10 facts about wigs that might totally surprise you!
My goal with this episode is to enlighten you and help make your wig-wearing journey easier, more joyful, and more beautiful!
We’re discussing hand-tied wigs, lace front wigs, Remy wigs, just to name a few, as well as how to care for a wig!
In this episode I’m answering all the wig questions you’re curious about!
I’m your girl for all things wigs! Let’s chat!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group - A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DebraTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
Want some alternative hair alchemy of your own? Let’s book a virtual session!
Send me a message through our website for more information: Very Best Little Hair House
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Now that you’ve dipped your toes in the alternative hair pond, do you see the progression from the initial dread of wearing a wig, to full-blown wigaholic?
When you wear the right wig, look in the mirror, and you see how fantastic you look, do you feel what I call, wig euphoria?
So, how do you keep the perfect wig vibes going?
First of all, I’m so glad you decided to jump over that alternative hair fence! It’s so much fun over on this side, isn’t it? Good quality wigs, whether they be synthetic wigs, or human hair wigs are truly life-changing!
Welcome to episode 16 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m sharing how to make the progression from just one fabulous wig to having several. And, how to diversify (and care for) your collection in a way that will make the adjustment seamless for you.
If you’re anything like me, you may just start wearing different types of wigs one day to the next!
And, if you’re still sitting at home, too embarrassed to go out because your hair is thinning, I hope I’m inspiring you to take the leap and start enjoying your life again with alternative hair!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group - A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DebraTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
Want some alternative hair alchemy of your own? Let’s book a virtual session!
Send me a message through our website for more information: Very Best Little Hair House
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
What is your perception of wearing alternative hair?
Are you having a hard time dealing with hair loss and feeling like wearing a wig everyday just isn’t for you?
Instead of leading with fear, what if you treated alternative hair solutions like any other fashion accessory?
Ever since opening my wig shop, Very Best Little Hair House, I’ve heard a LOT of excuses why not to wear a wig. But, the thing is, most (if not all) of these excuses are rooted in fear. And, life is too short not to wear the wig (and look fierce doing it)!
Welcome to episode 15 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m blasting away the 7 most common excuses I hear for not wearing a wig. Everything from fear of looking “fake” to the cost of wigs.
If you’re thinking, “this sounds like a great idea, but I don’t know where to start” - you’ve got me! I’m your number one cheerleader, because I know that great alternative hair will change your life!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group - A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DebraTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
Want some alternative hair alchemy of your own? Let’s book a virtual session!
Send me a message through our website for more information: Very Best Little Hair House
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Have you been wearing a wig that you feel lukewarm about?
Or, are you so terrified of wearing bad wigs that it keeps you from trying at all?
Are you willing to try again by going to a reputable wig shop and getting some professional advice this time?
Listen, I’ve seen my fair share of terrible wigs, but I promise the process is well worth it! Plus, you’re not alone! I’m here to guide you through!
Welcome to episode 14 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m giving you my best wig tips and tricks to help you find the best wig for you and setting you up for success!
Also, I’m sharing the most common fears I hear customers at my shop expressing, and how to overcome them once and for all.
My calling as a hair alchemist is to help you find the perfect wig!
So, pause and take a deep breath. The right wig is out there for you, and I’m gonna help you find it!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
Want some alternative hair alchemy of your own? I’m starting to do video sessions!
Send me a message through our website for more information:
Very Best Little Hair House
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
So, you’ve decided to get some alternative hair!
I’m so excited for you!
But, now you’re trying to decide- should you buy a wig, or a hair topper?
Listen, finding the right alternative hair doesn’t have to be overwhelming, it can actually be lots of fun! And, I’m right here with you guiding the way!
Welcome to episode 13 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m sharing everything you need to know about hair toppers for thinning hair, how they compare to wigs, and how to decide if a topper is right for you!
I’m giving you advice on which brands make the best hair toppers, whether you should get a human hair topper, or a synthetic hair topper, and helping you find the best alternative hair solutions for your specific needs!
There is so much great alternative hair out there! I hope you’re excited about giving good quality wigs and toppers a try!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group - A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DebraTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
Want some alternative hair alchemy of your own? Let’s book a virtual session!
Send me a message through our website for more information: Very Best Little Hair House
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
How do you go about telling your partner you wear a wig?
Are you feeling ashamed, and not sure how to approach the conversation of wearing alternative hair?
Or, for that matter, when is it the right time to tell someone you’re wearing a wig?
When we discuss partners and wigs, it may bring up some very unnecessary shame and stigma that has to do with hair loss. But, I’m here to remind you that you shouldn’t be willing to accept anything less than total and complete love and acceptance- exactly as you are!
Welcome to episode 12 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I'm sharing how I've handled telling partners I wear a wig, and give you some ideas on how to approach the conversation for yourself.
Whether you’re casually dating, or in an established relationship, there’s advice for everyone in this episode!
But really, the most important thing you can do is this: Life is short, wear that wig!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Do you think a human hair wig is the only way to go?
Have you heard about all the disadvantages of synthetic hair and think it won't make you feel confident?
If you think synthetic wigs are all created equal (hot and overly shiny), I’m here to tell you that a reputable wig shop would only sell the best wigs! So many options are available to you, and I don’t want you to count synthetic hair out just yet!
Welcome to episode 11 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! I am giving you the rundown on the synthetic vs human hair wig debate in this episode. We are talking about all the pros and cons of the different types of wigs available to you.
I’m also sharing wig tips on synthetic wig care and human hair wig care.
Remember: Life is short, have fun with good quality wigs!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
Want some alternative hair alchemy of your own? I’m starting to do video sessions!
There’s a special rate for the first 25 people who schedule a session! Send me a message through our website for more information: Very Best Little Hair House
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Are you convinced you could NEVER pull off that cute and flirty short wig you’ve been eyeing?
Or, does the thought of wearing a blonde wig make you feel like you could never step foot outside of your house wearing it?
I know it can be intimidating to change your look. It can feel weird to see yourself in the mirror as a platinum blonde if you’ve been a brunette your whole life. But, I promise you, stretching yourself and expanding your concept of beauty will get easier over time- and even become FUN!
Welcome to episode 10 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m helping you shift your mindset about changing the style and color of your alternative hair. Also, I’ll be offering you a different perspective that is sure to give you the confidence you need to try new things!
I’m sharing all my best wig tips and tricks when it comes to feeling good outside your comfort zone. All while encouraging you to be okay with putting yourself first, and letting your outer beauty match your inner beauty.
Self-care is not a luxury! You’ve got to take care of yourself- the rewards are GREAT! And, alternative hair is a fantastic way to do it!
You’re beautiful, love yourself, and rock that alternative hair!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Virtual Sessions Now Available!
Want some alternative hair alchemy of your own?. I’m starting to do video sessions!
There’s a special rate for the first 25 people who schedule a session! Send me a message through our website for more information: Very Best Little Hair House
This podcast was professionally produced by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Does trying alternative hair for the first time make you feel the first-time jitters, or nervousness and anxiety?
Do you feel like you need a “valid” reason to wear alternative hair, and just wanting to look good isn't enough?
Well, whatever the reason you are thinking about venturing into alternative hair, I can tell you from firsthand experience that the ripple effect through your life is something that you have to experience firsthand. Whether your hair is thinning out or not, it can change your life!
Welcome to episode 9 of Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m discussing all the common challenges I’ve observed my clients (and myself) go through when starting their wig or hair topper journey- and how to overcome them.
I’m also talking about what your expectations should be, and how to get the most natural results possible. I know it can be difficult when you’re used to seeing yourself in a particular way, but I guarantee you there is alternative hair out there for you- and you will look phenomenal!
If you’re on the fence about wearing a wig, and not sure if alternative hair is for you, this episode will help ease your fears, and start to make you feel really confident about your decision!
You’re beautiful, love yourself, and rock that alternative hair!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
This episode was professionally managed by Juliana Barbati

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
You’re at the grocery store minding your own business trying to choose the juiciest tomato, and someone taps you on the shoulder and asks… “Is that a wig?”
You cringe inside and your throat locks up. You have no idea what to say next.
Is this a sign that you’re wearing bad wigs?
Don’t panic, you’re in the right place! It’s my mission to make wig-wearing the “thing” to do since I opened my wig shop, The Very Best Little Hair House. I’m here to help you navigate these tough situations.
Welcome to episode 8 of the Alternative Hair Alchemist! In this episode, I’m sharing why the wig or hair topper you are wearing may not look natural, and what you can do about it. I’m giving you some of my best responses when people ask you about your wig- so you’re ready when someone asks.
Also, I’m reminding you that you don't need a medical reason to wear a wig and that it's okay to put yourself first! There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be red carpet ready in five minutes- you don't need anyone's permission!
Don’t be too harsh on yourself, and remember, if a wig isn't working perfectly, learn from it and move on!
Let’s do this!
With love,
Ready to up your wig game? Have a show idea? Let’s connect!
Facebook: Wise Wig Advice Facebook Group- A shame-free zone where I share videos from product vendors and some I make myself!
Youtube: Very Best Little Hair House - YouTube
Twitter: @DeborahTheWigLady
Visit my website: Very Best Little Hair House
Email me:
Some wiggy announcements:
Let’s hang out!. We are having a Facebook Live on July 14, at 2pm EST! We’re going to take you from the front door of the Very Best Little Hair House to the point where we would cut the tag off your new wig and send you on your way into your new alternative hair life!
Also, On July 14 and 15th: my book “Too Much Hair” will be free on Amazon! It's already free for Kindle, but I believe you can get a free paperback copy! This book is for somebody who was just like me, hair thinning, wanting to step into alternative hair, having nobody to ask questions, or turn to.
Stay tuned for an announcement for our video consults which are going to be starting soon. Hopefully, you can join us for one of those, or meet us face to face!
This episode was professionally managed by Juliana Barbati